CAMP RUPERTO KANGLEON,PALO, Leyte – The Philippine National Police(PNP) here in the region will be implementing a more effective, comprehensive, and sustainable internal cleansing program that will highlight the squad concept as part of the organization’s transformation program.
The new program will strengthen the preventive, restorative and punitive approaches that will deter police personnel in the involvement of illegal and criminal activities, a long-time concern of the organization, said Police Regional Director, B/Gen. Dionardo Carlos.
He said that this will help reinforce the reformation and reintegration of police officers to instill a strong sense of commitment, dedication, and responsibility to police work through moral and spiritual interventions towards a God-fearing, family-based and service-oriented organization.
It was learned from Carlos that at least 747 police personnel here in the region are in the watch list who are facing charges.
But unlike in previous years where there are policemen involved in illegal drug charges, most of the cases that these policemen are facing are due to absence without Leave (AWOL).
“I advise these policemen that if in case they have a problem, they should immediately inform their superior so that we can help them. If they need to file a leave to fix a family problem, there is nothing wrong with it and we have no reason to prohibit them from taking a leave of absence,” Carlos said.
Carlos said that the PNP regional headquarter is already adopting the “squad concept”, by dividing personnel into teams which composed of six to eight members with the supervision of a squad leader and mentored by a participating member of a religious sector or a life coach in cooperation with the Office of the Chaplain Service that plays a vital role for this program.
This life coach from religious sectors includes priest, pastors and imam.
“This is now more intimate, more personal and my high hope with this squad concept is that we will finally be able to achieve a positive outcome for a highly reputable police force who represents love of God, country and people,” Carlos said.