The Philippine Statistics Authority Regional Statistical Services Office VIII (RSSO 8) in collaboration with PSA Biliran and Local Government Unit and Local Civil Registry Office (LCRO) of Culaba, Biliran successfully registered constituents of said municipality thru the Birth Registration Assistance Project (BRAP).

A total of 52 Certificates of Live Births in Security Paper (SECPA) were awarded to the folks of Culaba, Biliran on the following barangays: Brgy. Binongto-an, Culaba – 16 SECPA; Brgy. Bool Central, Culaba – 26 SECPA;Brgy. Patag, Culaba – 5 SECPA; and Brgy. Bacolod, Culaba – 5 SECPA

PSA Regional Director Wilma A. Perante expressed her appreciation to the LGU of Culaba for their utmost cooperation in working hand in hand with PSA Biliran in capturing the unregistered individuals for them to finally get their legal proof of identity. She shared that BRAP will continue to reach out to municipalities to identify and encourage Filipino Citizens to register thru the BRAP. PSA Biliran Chief Statistical Specialist, Renavil V. Cueva commended the efforts of both PSA and the LCRO especially its Municipal Civil Registrar MCR, Alberto F. Fiel for the smooth implementation of the BRAP in their municipality benefiting those constituents who are not yet registered. Also present during the event were MCR of Cabucgayan, Biliran, Rosalie R. Agang, LCRO Naval – Assistant Registration Officer, Maria I. Turner and staff. (PR)