In the continuing congressional investigation on the Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations (POGO) that had proliferated in various localities, mainly in Bamban, Pampanga where the suspended mayor Alice Guo reigned since 2022 to 2024. She was dismissed by the Office of the Ombudsman for grave misconduct. In an order dated 12 August 2024, the Office of the Ombudsman also forfeited the suspended mayor’s retirement benefits and perpetual disqualification from holding public office. It explained that the suspended mayor’s involvement in operations of raided POGO in her area of jurisdiction showed a willful intent on her part to violate the law or disregard established rules.

It found the series of acts to be interconnected, leading to the conclusion that they were committed with ulterior motive. There too is a quo warranto case that government lawyers filed and are pursuing. That case will proceed considering that the dismissed mayor may appeal the dismissal order issued by the Office of the Ombudsman. If the quo warranto petition will succeed, it will make Guo Hua Ping a.k.a. Alice Guo ineligible to run for any elective public office in the future. Meanwhile, the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission (PAOCC) lauded the Office of the Ombudsman for its decision to dismiss mayor Alice Guo.

The election of dismissed mayor Alice Guo had been the subject of an action from the election commission which is seeking the cancellation of her certificate of candidacy as her citizenship had been found dubious. If the action will succeed, the dismissed mayor will face possible administrative and criminal cases. It will also reinforce the order issued by the Office of the Ombudsman dismissing her from office and disqualifying her from holding any elective public office in the future. Such order would result in her ineligibility to hold any appointive position in the government.

Other government officials who were in cahoots with the dismissed mayor Alice Guo were also ordered dismissed for their participation in the offenses that the dismissed mayor was found guilty of. These developments bring gloom on the other government officials who cooperated with the dismissed mayor, mainly those who facilitated in the construction of the buildings that were found to have housed POGO operations.

Indeed, what started as a simple query on the identity of the dismissed mayor opened a proverbial pandora’s box that led to multifarious issues. The illegal entry of foreigners, mostly Chinese who were found to be involved in criminal activities. The quad show is bound to proceed and hog the limelight until the forthcoming elections,
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