The Eastern Visayas Regional Athletic Association (EVRAA) in Ormoc City is a commendable example of sporting prowess and an all-rounded development for school-aged children. To showcase the sports abilities of upcoming talents, this yearly activity is not only characterized by but also promotes discipline. When youngsters’ health is endangered by inactivity nowadays, EVRAA has to be seen as an avenue for advocating a vibrant life in addition to teaching people values that can be used up to old age.

To begin with, EVRAA acts as a forum that allows young sportspeople to demonstrate their abilities and promise. What this competition does is that it brings together schools from all parts of the Eastern Visayas region thereby giving those who come to test themselves chances to try out different types of sports. EVRAA serves as a platform upon which learners can perform well in either track or field events; play basketball; take part in swimming contests; and even engage in volleyball tournaments to realize their sports-oriented aspirations.

In addition, EVRAA promotes such virtues as teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship regardless of competing or not. Students acquire self-discipline and the significance of hard work once they undergo intense practice sessions or take part in a competition. It has been noted that the relationships generated between these athletes can last a lifetime with love exhibited among each other as they meet years after the games in other fields.

Aside from keeping physically fit, EVRAA is also significant for the well-being of kids in school. In a world where the screen holds more sway than anything else thus leaving room for little physical exercise, the competition is a way of instilling a culture of exercise in the young people. Engagement in practice sports leads to the loss of fat from the body which implies that it causes a reduction in obesity cases among other diabetes-related ones.

EVRAA happens to be a breeding ground for spotting talents as well as a place for nurturing them. Getting involved in such events at a tender age can mean excellent prospects ahead through a scholarship opportunity, training program, or making sports a profession. This is because by doing so, it contributes to the general development as well as the competitiveness of Philippine games in general whether on the national arena or at a global scale.

This event milestone is a good effort to cater to the children and the body to develop holistically which could be very important for any school-going child. It is very clear that through athletics, morals are imparted to these young ones besides taking care of their health, thus ensuring that they become responsible adults who can represent their country well in different areas all over the world.