The Robinson’s Malls nationwide, will use solar energy to operate its Malls nationwide it was revealed by its outfit Robinson Land Corporation (RLC).
Records show that RLC is the largest solar powered mall operator in the Philippines today, as it installs more roof top solar panels in their Robinson malls in Luzon and Mindanao – now totalling 24 malls.
Aside from rooftop solar panels, Robinsons malls spread all over the country, RLC has installed rainwater collection systems in 29 malls and is using greywater for landscaping and irrigation in 15 malls. Likewise, the corporation has invested on renewable energy sourcing that has allowed them to avoid as much a 19,804.94 metric tons of carbon emission in its malls.
The corporation management was quoted saying “power distributor Meralco recently enrolled 10 Robinsons malls to the to the interruptible load program through which RLC committed to de-load a total of 31MW when needed. This has potentials to spare some 124,000 households and small businesses from the inconvenience of unplanned power interruptions.”
The RLC should be commended for their program to use renewable solar energy, installing rainwater collection system and for helping hundreds of Filipino households avail and small businesses are able to do business by de-loading at least 31 MW of energy for their use. On top of these, is RLC’s contribution in mitigating the negative effects of climate change by reducing carbon footprint in the country. Hope that other Mall owners replicate RLC’s climate change initiative.
NEXT TOPIC : “2nd Green Energy auction being hatched by DOE”
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