SAN ANTONIO, Basey Samar – This year’s fiesta celebration in honor of San Antonio de Padua was culminated with a concelebrated mass with Rev. Msgr. Erlito Amistoso Maraya, parish priest of the Archdiocesan Shrine of Santo Niño, Tacloban City as main celebrant and homilist.

Eleven other priests from the Diocese of Calbayog concelebrated during the main mass which was held about 9:30 in the morning here.

The concelebrating priests include Rev. Fr. Jonathan Amistoso Zeta, Rev. Msgr. Alfred Amistoso, Rev. Fr. Ferdie Figueroa, Rev. Neil Alavata, Rev. Fr. Jeorge Plaza, Rev. Fr. Jojo Llauder, Rev. Fr. Jomarie Cabuquit, Rev. Fr. Noel A. Abiertas, Rev. Fr. Ronjie Raquil, Rev. Fr. Reynaldo Lucaban and Rev. Fr. Marlo Benjamin C. Mangubat, the Parish Priest of San Antonio de Padua Parish.

In his homily, Rev. Msgr. Maraya focused on five points which he shared with the faithful in attendance. He stressed on the difference between the objective and the means which many people are confused in their daily life.

He encouraged the faithful to focus on the objective which must be achieved through the various means that each person might fit. He cited many examples, first of them has to do with studies. When a person studies as in school, the learner must aim for a perfect grade as anything less would mean that the person is not fully ready to practice one’s profession.
Another example has to do with eating which has good health and wellness as the main objective and not just getting full to eliminate hunger. Missing the objective of eating has been the cause of many illnesses.

In a simple way to emphasize the gospel message, Msgr. Maraya mentioned the purpose of our laws which is to protect life and property.

However, some people consider laws as restriction of basic freedom and liberty, causing them to violate the laws as mere rules that cause inconvenience.

He then discussed the reason of celebrating fiestas of patron saints. The word patron means pattern which is why the life of the patron saint is not just for devotion by reciting novena prayers but to emulate and live the life of the saint as a role model.

The life of Saint Anthony of Padua is a model of our Lord Jesus Christ. He then urged the faithful to live as true believers and followers of Christ by being the light that others may see Jesus in each person’s daily life.

Before the final blessing, the hermana mayor Khyne Silvano-Doctor who spoke in behalf of her husband Rascal D. Doctor, expressed her thanks to all their relatives and friends, donors and sponsors for all their support in making this year’s fiesta celebration a success.
For his part, Rev. Fr. Mangubat extended his sincere thanks and gratitude to the family of the hemano mayor Rascal Doctor and his wife Rhyne for their donation for the repair of the flooring of the sacristy and to Dr. Gil E. Ponferrada and his wife Dr. Socorro D. Ponferrada, proprietor of the Ponferrada Polymedic Hospital in Guiuan, Eastern Samar, for their donation for the repair of the church wiring and wall fans.