PhilHealth Regional Office 8 in cooperation with the Department of Education – Southern Leyte Division recently conducted the first PhilHealth Quiz Bee for Grade 10 students. It was one of the highlights for the 55th Anniversary Celebration of DepEd Southern Leyte. Thirty-two (32) out of 41 secondary schoolsin theSouthern Leyte Division participated in the quiz bee. Alyiah Marie Bulilan of San Juan National High School emerged as the champion for the first PhilHealth Learner’s Material Quiz Bee. She truly deserved to be the winner because aside from topping the objective exams she also nailed the orals with her explanation of the PhilHealth vision. Officers who were in attendance were impressed with her flawless answer which showed her deep understanding of the PhilHealth vision. Completing the top 5 were Athena Marie Engaño of Pintuyan National High School as 1st Runner-up, Devenah Dawn Dagoltay of Limasawa National High School as 2nd Runner-up, Jacklyn Buzon of San Roque National High School 3rd Runner-up and Allena Grace Cagnaan of Pintuyan National Vocational School as 4th runner-up. The winners as well as their MAPEH teachers who also served as their coaches received cash prizes, certificates of recognition and Corporate giveaways from PhilHealth. The quiz bee was based on the PhilHealth Learner’s Material (PLM) which is being taught in the health component of the MAPEH subject for Grade 10 students. The PLM was certified as compliant with the K-12 program of the Department of Education and its inclusion in the Grade 10 Curriculumis being pilot-tested in the Division of Southern Leyte.The program aims to ingrain in the young, the basic information about PhilHealth as well as the principles of the National Health Insurance Program. The quiz beehad three levels: Elimination Round, Semi-Final Round and the Final Round. The elimination round was a pen-and-paper test designed to select the top thirteen scorers who advanced to the semi-final round. From the semi-final round, the top six finalists emerged and competed in the final round. PhilHealth 8 Regional Vice President Renato L. Limsiaco, Jr. was very impressed with the contestants’ knowledge of PhilHealth. In his message, RVP Limsiaco encouraged the students to share the information to their parents and family members. On the other hand, Mr. Genis Murallos, the Schools Division Superintendent of DepEd Southern Leyte, also emphasized the importance of being knowledgeable about PhilHealth as it will empower the students and their families in availing the benefits. RVP Limsiaco, acknowledged the support of the DepEd management especially Regional Director Ramir Uytico, and the entire team of the DepEd Southern Leyte Division headed by Superintendent Arturo Isip for the success of the quiz bee as well as that of the PLM implementation. “We would also like to commend the MAPEH teachers for their time and efforts in cascading accurate information about PhilHealth. Their labour will not be in vain as it will allow more families to have access to PhilHealth benefits” Limsiaco added. (Miramar Zabala)