The drama starring fugitive Alice Guo on the most expensive studio than is the senate investigation room had been causing people to get pissed as taxpayers’ money is spent from the public coffers. What was initially a meek woman sharing her incredible life story of a mesmerizing life in a farm of swine had turned her true self as a berserk deceptive liar.

The investigating committee had been taken for a ride since day one when Senator Risa Hontiveros initiated the investigation in aid of legislation after law enforcement authorities raided her place where Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations (POGO) and other criminal activities where being conducted by reported Chinese nationals.

In the course of the hearings, more issues were uncovered, chief of them her identity as a Chinese citizen who faked her way to become a mayor. The true identity of the fugitive dismissed mayor was determined with scientific precision by fingerprint experts of the national bureau of investigation. The investigation bureau confirmed that the fingerprints appearing in her passport were identical with those appearing in other official documents. But the fugitive Alice Guo had the gall to refute the findings, insisting that she is not the person in the alleged passport. Her bare denial was taken by the investigating committee as without value as bare denial without proof.

She was consistent in her incredible tale of living in their farm since childhood and having a tutor as she allegedly did not attend formal school. The story led the investigating committee to dig for proof that could bare her being a deceptive incorrigible liar who can dupe any unsuspecting person to take her stories as gospel truth. Verily, she speaks like a meek innocent lad unless you can discover her web of lies through incisive questioning that could bring her into a nook of inconsistencies. Her repetitive answers appear to have been well crafted to make her appear as the victim of harassment from the investigators. Acting as if she does not understand the questions, she keeps on asking the investigators to repeat and rephrase the questions.

Despite the repetitive rephrasing of the questions that senators belabor to accede to the fugitive’s request, the answers are still not responsive, often evasive to cover the truth. The answers are clearly counseled with the aim of irking the senators, resulting in having the fugitive cited for contempt and ordering her detention. This is the irony of having a witness who like others of her kind had the temerity to blatantly lie even after being sworn to an oath to tell the truth. The penchant to lie before the investigating committee is truly appalling as the narrations are diametrically opposed to the firsthand stories of witness and the supporting documents evidencing what could be considered as true based on human experience.

In the ongoing investigation, the fugitive is claiming as the victim of false stories and her predicament is nothing but acts of harassment. The claims of the fugitive are refuted by damning evidence that point to her crimes and her involvement in POGO operations. In her desire to draw public sympathy, she now is displaying a meek face with tears and sobs.
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