Teachers as originators of Public Good must be celebrated and be given its rightful respect , it gives justice to their efforts and breath admiration to their vocation.

Public Good is a term in Economics that mean individuals can benefit from the goods without directly paying for it. Technically, its Non-Excludable (No one can be excluded from using the good. For example, once a public park is created, anyone can use it without being prevented from doing so.) and Non-Rivalrous (One person’s use of the good does not reduce its availability to others. For instance, one person enjoying the benefits of clean air does not diminish the amount of clean air available for others.) .

Teachers themselves are not public goods in the strict economic sense, but the services they provide—education—can be considered a public good.

In the UNESCO official website there lies a Working Paper that revisits Education as Public Good, The 17th Working Paper on the challenges facing education has been published. This latest paper re-examines the principle of education as a public good in the current context in which education is being increasingly privatized and commodified.

Education has been considered a human right and a public good in global public policy at least since 1945. This conceptualization has been produced and advanced by international organizations ever since, particularly by UN agencies and, among these, UNESCO. However, the educational landscape has changed considerably since then and it is now characterized by an increasing involvement of non-state actors, including for-profit organizations.

Education as a public good is essential for several reasons:

1. Equal Opportunity: Public education ensures that all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background, have access to learning opportunities. This helps level the playing field and allows everyone to reach their potential.

2. Economic Growth: An educated population is crucial for economic development. Education equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to participate effectively in the workforce, driving innovation and productivity.

3. Social Mobility: Education provides a pathway for individuals to improve their socio-economic status. It opens doors to better job opportunities and higher incomes, helping to reduce poverty and inequality.

These are just to name a few, By ensuring that education is accessible to all, societies can build a more equitable, prosperous, and stable future.

Teachers as originators of Public Good must be celebrated and be given its rightful respect, it gives justice to their efforts and breath admiration to their vocation.