Tau Omega Mu slates Southern Leyte medical mission Oct. 12 – 13

The medical mission will include free clinics from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. inside the municipal gymnasiums of Anahawan and Pintuyan on Oct. 12; and the municipal covered court of Macrohon on Oct. 13. The free clinics, which will be held in coordination with concerned government agencies of these towns, will include medical consultations, dental extractions, circumcisions, eye checkups, and free distribution of medicines and reading glasses.

Also from Oct. 12 to 13, Omegan doctors will conduct free cataract surgeries at the Southern Leyte Provincial Hospital in Maasin City, the fourth and last venue of the medical mission.

TOM is encouraging fellow Omegans who are available to provide additional help to the medical mission. For other details, they can get in touch with Brod Elwin Yu, the TOM medical mission director, at 0960 449 2733; or with Sis Lovella Libertad, the TOM medical mission coordinator, at 0906 379 3440. This is a chance to renew your bonds, especially with visiting doctors and fellow Omegans from abroad.

TOM was founded in October 1972 at the University of the Philippines – Manila. It now maintains chapters in major universities and colleges around the country, aside from local or community chapters and overseas groups organized by alumni members. (PR)