Are we alone in this wide cosmos ? For centuries we were told that we are . It seems that we are special and we are the only living race inhabiting the Earth or any Planet. Lately , these was proven to be false and that after all these years we were actually wrong.
People have pondered whether or not there are other intelligent beings in the universe for a very long time. One of science and exploration’s most exciting and contentious projects has been the search for extraterrestrial life. However, certain shocking findings in recent years have questioned our preconceived notions and raised the possibility that there may be other life forms present in this huge universe besides ourselves.
One of the most intriguing findings was the detection of a mysterious object that entered our solar system in 2017, named ‘Oumuamua. This object, which was dubbed a “scout” from the Hawaiian language, had a very unusual shape, size, and trajectory. It was also moving at an extremely high speed, faster than any known asteroid or comet. Moreover, it seemed to be propelled by an unknown force, as if it had some kind of engine or sail. Some astronomers have speculated that ‘Oumuamua could be an artificial probe sent by an alien civilization to explore our region of space1.
Another shocking revelation was the presentation of alleged alien remains in the Mexican parliament in 2023. A group of lawmakers claimed that they had obtained several specimens of humanoid creatures that were found in different locations in Mexico and Peru. They said that these beings had three fingers on each hand, elongated heads, and unusual internal organs. They also showed X-ray images that supposedly revealed the presence of eggs, ovaries, and implants made of rare metals in some of the bodies. They argued that these creatures were not related to any known life form on Earth, and that they were evidence of extraterrestrial visitation.
A third remarkable discovery was the observation of a potential ocean world orbiting a nearby star called K2-18. Using the powerful Webb Telescope, astronomers detected signs of water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of this planet, which is about 17% larger than Earth. These are some of the key ingredients for life as we know it, and they suggest that this planet could have a liquid water ocean beneath its clouds. This would make it one of the most promising candidates for hosting alien life in our galaxy4.
These three examples are just some of the many indications that we are not alone in the universe, and that aliens may have already visited or even inhabited our planet. The implications of these findings are profound and far-reaching. They challenge our assumptions about our place and role in the cosmos, and raise new questions about our origins, history, and destiny. They also invite us to rethink our relationship with other forms of life, both on Earth and beyond. How should we react to the reality of alien life on Earth? How should we communicate and interact with them? How should we protect ourselves and our planet from potential threats or conflicts? These are some of the questions that we need to address as we face this new era of discovery and exploration.