IT’S amazing that Christ had to excuse himself from his very busy schedule in order to pray. He is God himself. He should have no need to pray. But as the gospel many times say, he had to go somewhere to talk to the Father.
As the gospel narrates, “Jesus departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God.” (Lk 6,12) Why did he have to pray, we might ask. And the answer, to be blunt about it, is nothing other than that Christ is also man who needs to be always in vital and constant connection with his divinity.
He is actually showing us that we as man, created in the image and likeness of God, and meant to share in the life and nature of God, also need to be vitally and constantly connected with God. And this is what prayer is all about.
Prayer is the most basic thing we ought to do to be with God who is be-all and end-all of our whole existence. All the other necessities we have can only be attended to properly when this need for prayer is first met. Otherwise, everything else would just be waste of time.
We need to pray, and at these times, we need to pray more than ever, given the increasingly deteriorating conditions of humanity. Prayer, of course, is our sublime act of worship, of thanksgiving, of asking for pardon and favors. It is what keeps us spiritually alive, vitally connected with our Lord, and in a very mysterious way what keeps us properly linked to everyone else.
What eating, drinking and breathing do to our physical organism, is what prayer does to our spiritual soul which is the more important component of our humanity. It animates us, since it exercises our faith, hope and charity that are the lifeblood of our soul. Without these theological virtues, we would just get lost in life, left kaput spiritually and morally.
When we pray, we dispose ourselves to receive the wisdom and power of God, so important as we cruise through our very confusing world and contend with the frailties of our flesh, the wiles and temptations of the devil, the sweet but deadening allurements of the world.
The challenges of the times simply urge us to pray even more. A quick look around already gives us very sobering thoughts and compelling appeals for prayer.
If understood and done properly, praying actually gives us joy always. It enables us to see and understand things better. More importantly, it helps us to have a glimpse of God’s will, where everything starts and is governed and led to its proper end.
Praying processes and finds the answers to all our needs. In good times and bad times, when we are healthy or sick, when we enjoy successes or suffer defeats or are tempted, praying comes as our natural way of coping with everything that our spiritual life needs just like breathing does with our bodily needs.
To those who are afraid that praying just gets in the way of our human activities and concerns, the contrary is true. If anything at all, praying tremendously helps us in putting our activities and concerns in another level so they acquire a spiritual, moral and supernatural value, which is proper to us, since we are God’s image and likeness, and children of his.
This truth should be spread out quite widely these days, since many now are the factors and elements that tend to deny the indispensability of prayer in our life.