Ate Christine smiled
She always tried
Ate Christine wrote our titles on the card
So, we can be at times be paid and be stabilized
More than those , things
We had her, we loved her
-For Ate Christine
In our own Daily Planet, we have her as one of our go to gal. She was smiling, accommodating and effective. Her chuckles and joke were fun, yet now she is gone.
In our lives we had people like Ate Christine, adept, friendly and really helpful, thus, having her ending a tour of duty on Earth is sad for us.
As a writer for a paper whose size is not that huge but whose significance is really big for a modest yet large numbers of readers in Eastern Visayas, we had our acts together by an effective secretary who get us paid. She literally kept us afloat. Christine Montances may be a no name to many people but for us at Leyte Samar Daily Express she was our ally, our friend and she keep things in order. Now that she is gone, we mourn her, we missed her friendship and we are sad that she passed on.
She maybe like ALL those someone who rather unceremoniously went ahead and left us orphaned in some ways and that we can only give thanks in our prayers. If there is a real multiverse where different universe exist side by side with ours, she may be there, smiling at us.
They are ordinary people, living with simplicity and then they go, never to return again. The sudden demise is something that even they are not ready for. The family and friends grapple with words and feelings and yet they are gone.
Unexpected death was the most common traumatic experience and most likely to be rated as the respondent’s worst, regardless of other traumatic experiences. Increased incidence after unexpected death was observed at every point across the life course for major depressive episodes, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This is the voice of Psychology, of Science. For the lay person separate from the Psychology Researches ,it simply is pain and loss and the recall of the feeling of love.
In the end we just go back and remembers, with love and fondness. Farewell, Ate Christine, we are missing you and we retain you in our hearts.