NSSDEO, Brgy. Burabud, Laoang, N. Samar– The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Northern Samar Second District Engineering Office, spearheaded by OIC, District Engineer Charlito S. Carlobos and OIC, Assistant District Engineer Atty. Arthur Eric L. Sabong, has completed a widening project for the Balud bridge in Brgy. Dale, San Roque, Northern Samar.

The widening project aims to provide better and safer roads, and stress-free travel experience of commuters.

The main scope of work involves widening of the bridge from the existing two (2) lanes to four (4) lanes.

The project with contract ID no. 22II0039 under contract with CDU Construction with an allocation of P84 million, is funded under the General Appropriation Act (GAA) of 2022 and is supervised by Project Engineer Joseph C. Romance.

People coming from Brgy. Dale up to Lapinig, Northern Samar, are the ones who will benefit from the constructed bridge.

This widened bridge has a profound impact as it will lessen and rather prevent vehicular incidents. It also encourages commuters and motorists to travel any time of the day without hesitation.

The convenience of the widened bridge was completed last May 20, 2023. The fruition of the project promotes seamless transport of goods and services. Thus, this project paved to opportunities that can elevate the economic status of the locality, and its completion made the resources accessible and attainable.

The NSSDEO bridge-widening projects are expected to meet its objectives of intensifying domestic trade, agri-business, and eco-tourism by continuously providing added road space